Frequently Asked Questions

Can't find the answer to your question below? Contact us or call 1300 132 628

  • How do I enrol?

    Enrolment is easy! Click on the Enquire Now link located on any of our course information pages and a Global Business Trainer Student Engagement Officer will call you to discuss your enquiry and course suitability.    If you still need further assistance, you can contact a course and careers adviser on 1300 132 628.

  • Are there any prerequisites for my course?

    Most of our courses require no prerequisite studies, other than basic English language skills. Check the course page on our website to see if the course you are interested in has any additional requirements.

  • Will I receive a certificate?

    When you complete your course, you'll receive a document which certifies you have successfully completed your studies. Depending on which course you enrol in, this could be an Academy of Global Business Training Certificate, a Statement of Attainment or a nationally recognised certificate or Diploma 

  • Do I need to attend exams?

    With Academy of Global business Training' online courses, there are no exams to attend. All your assessments will be submitted online - although some may need to be physically sent to us.

  • What if I need help with my course?

    If you need help with your course, ACADEMY of Global Business Training has a range of support options available for you. Our Student Support team is available to answer any general questions you might have about your course. Your trainer will also be able to offer course-specific advice.

  • How is E-learning different from classroom-based courses offered by other education institutions like TAFE?

    With E Learning education – either by correspondence or online – there are no classes to attend, so you can study whenever and wherever you want, to fit in around your work and social commitments. Instead of attending classes, you read through your study materials in your own time, and then submit your assessments either online or send them in by mail. If you are studying a nationally recognised qualification, it will give you the same level of qualification that you would receive from a TAFE.

  • What equipment do I require to study online?

    You'll need a computer, some basic software like Microsoft Word and an internet connection - that's it. Some of our courses require extra materials or specific software - like Graphic Design, for example - but for the majority of our courses it is easy to get started. For some courses you even have the option of receiving your learning materials in hard copy for an extra fee but you'll still use our online portal for most of your course.

  • How do I pay for my course?

  • ACADEMY of Global business Training offers a range of payment options, from discounts for payment in full to interest-free monthly, fortnightly and weekly payment plans. Some students may also be eligible for government funding to help them study approved courses. Call one of our course and careers advisers on 1300 132 628 for more information.

  • Can I apply for Austudy or Abstudy assistance if I study with ACADEMY of Global business Training?

    Some of our courses are approved for Austudy/Abstudy assistance, providing you are eligible to receive these payments. There is also assistance available for those receiving pension payments and other financial benefits. Our course and careers advisers will be able to give you further information. Call them today on 1300 132 628.

  • How can I assess my Language, Literacy and Numeracy skills?

    You can take our free online assessment to help determine your learning level and plan your future studies. Go to the 'Studying Online' page and follow the links to our Online Language, Literacy and Numeracy assessment tool.